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Micah and Lydia

                                                              Micah and Lydia

Has it been 30 years already?!  Dec. 22, 1989 our son Micah was born. 15 years later before Micah turned 15 we waited for another baby to be born, before Micah could have his bone marrow transplant. I asked Micah if he would like to have a baby brother or sister for his birthday and he said he would like that very much. Well the Lord gave him a sister, Lydia Faith Leake, born on Micah's birthday. What a gift she has been. I  had given Micah the nickname of My Sunshine, so it seemed fitting to call Lydia my sunshine as well. She was a blessing to Micah and many others in the hospital that first year of her life while Micah was having a bone marrow transplant and then when he relapsed and went in for more chemo she was always with us. Micah was with Lydia so much he seemed to be very intuitive and knew what she wanted by her cry. He was also very protective of her and me. He wanted to make sure I didn't strain myself so he would push her in the stroller and he would put her in the car seat and fold up the stroller and put it n the trunk. If she was crying in her bed he would get up out of his hospital bed and pick her up and comfort her. Once I left them both asleep in the hospital room and went to do laundry. When I came back Micah was holding her in the bed and comforting her even though he was sick to his stomach because of the chemo. Lydia brought a smile to Micah's face. He loved holding her and playing with her and putting a smile on her face. Later when Lydia was about 9 months old Micah started giving her Fritos. She would get all excited when she saw him get out the Frito bag and couldn't get to him fast enough. He would be in the hospital bed and she would crawl over to him and take the Frito and then suck the salt off of it. Micah used to say that Lydia brought joy and happiness where ever she went. 5 days before Micah's 16th birthday and Lydia's first birthday, Micah went home to be with the Lord. Lydia missed him. She would point to his picture and say miss Mi mi (her name for Micah). Lydia and Micah shared a special bond. Mostly Lydia's memories are those she remembers from stories we told her and from pictures, but in many ways she shares more than just his birthday in common with Micah. God had blessed Micah with a special walk with the Lord that really grew and strengthened as he suffered with leukemia. Yet through all of it he laughed and joked and didn't complain. He would even play tricks on the doctors and nurses to give them a laugh too. Micah was a good example to us all. When Micah found out that there was nothing more the doctors could do to help him, his confession to Mark and I was “Either God does a miracle and heals me,or I die and go to be with the Lord. Either way I win. To live is Christ, to die is gain.” Shortly before Micah died, our pastor came to visit and asked Micah if after all he had been through does he still say God is good? Micah lifted his head and looked at him with tears in his eyes and replied with a weak sick body, that yes , even more than ever he knows that God is so good to him. I am thankful for the almost 16 years God gave us with Micah and for his testimony. I am so thankful Micah trusted Christ as his Lord and savior and continued to look to Him till the very end. I am sure if he were alive today he would still say that Lydia still brings joy and happiness where ever she goes. She too has put her trust in Jesus and shines with the light of the Son. She is like a little butterfly that spreads joy and happiness where ever she goes. I am thankful for that.  My prayer for Lydia is that she would love Jesus more and more and give her life fully to Him and say at the end of her life, as many years as the Lord gives her, For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Happy birthday Micah! I know you are rejoicing in the Lord! Happy Birthday Lydia. May you always love and trust Jesus! I love you.



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