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Stuck at Home? What’s a Mother to do?

We have been dependent on so many things. Even Home-schoolers are not used to being at home to do school. We’re often dependent on co-ops to teach our children. We drive them around and get others to teach them instead of teaching them at home. Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes. They are a great option and a blessing. They provide friends, tutors for subjects we don’t feel as confident in. They give us a sense of community. We are also dependent on various other groups such as sports, dance, mock trial, bible studies etc.
None of these are bad things in and of themselves, but maybe we have looked to these too much and became so crazy busy that we did not have time to rest and be quiet before the Lord. And now for many of us if not most, in our town, state, country and around the world, we are suddenly sheltering at home because of the covid19 pandemic that has hit the world. We find ourselves alone at home with our children and spouse for an indefinite amount of time. Some are panicking! What am I to do?
Now is the time for parents to invest in their children like never before! Because I stayed at home and home-schooled my children I feel more prepared to stay at home in a crisis! Also because I did not work outside of the home, I learned how to make due with less. I know how to conserve and ration instead of running scared and overbuying and being greedy. I am content at home because I had to learn to be content when we didn't have money for gas. I am having to relearn many of these things I had do do for much of my children’s time growing up. We can’t just run off and go here and there. We have to face each other every day and work out problems. Maybe you all of a sudden feel like you are having relationship problems you never had because you haven’t spent this much time together before.
I hope parents will learn to love their children more, enjoy them and get to know them better. Learn to love and forgive and ask forgiveness. Have fun together while you are forced to spend time and energy together. It may not be easy. Relationships are hard and messy! We hurt one another and we need to repent and forgive often! God is giving us time to learn to love. I did the best I could at the time my children were growing up with what I had and knew. I made mistakes. I sinned and I failed often. My husband and I tried to raise up a godly generation in the fear and admonition of the Lord by God’s grace. That was our desire. Most of our children are grown up and on their own or in college now. They are responsible before God to follow and obey and trust Him. We tried to do the best we could and the results is up to God and our children to take responsibility for their own actions and their own relationships with God and their neighbor. I still have one child at home that I am homeschooling. I have graduated 7 children from High School. One of our children went through 4 years of treatment for leukemia then graduated to heaven and is waiting for us all. That was a difficult time for us as parents and for our children.
Life throws us hard fast balls sometimes, that we don’t know how to hit. Maybe we even get hit, right in the eye. But God is still on the throne. I have failed terribly! But God is still God and we need Him more than ever. None of us are perfect parents. But God is our Perfect Heavenly Father and He loves us more than anyone.
So start your day alone with God in prayer and bible study. Trust your life to Jesus. Start the day with your children the same way, with prayer and bible reading. If your husband is home, it is a unique time to start the day in family devotions together. Take time to look to Christ together for help for the day and encouragement from His Word. Sing some hymns or worship songs. If you don’t know any, now is a good time to learn. There have been times in the past that my husband was home for 4-6 months because he lost his job. These were hard times but we made it by the grace of God. Maybe many of you are in that same place now because of covid19. But I can tell you confidently, God is our provider. I have many stories to tell of God’s amazing provision for our family. He is the author and finisher of our faith. He is our creator and Sovereign Ruler over all. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He knows all things. He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins because He loves us so much. That God is with you if you have put your trust in Him. He will never leave you or forsake you. He is with you always.
God is enough.


  1. As I am reading this I am recognizing the attributes of our Great God literally bouncing forth from these true words of yours. Just to name a few...God is kind, God is sovereign, God is sufficient, God is forgiving, God is love, God is providential, Good is good, God is peace, God is redeeming...(on and on and on..)

    1. Yes, it is always good to be reminded of how Great is our God. No matter the situation and circumstance. He is in control and He is good and loves us. He will take care of us.

  2. A very happy family can gather together


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