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Showing posts from June, 2014

Josiah Nathan

June 14, 2014~ For Josiah 26 years ago today God blessed us with another boy. Josiah Nathan I can say, You continue to bring us joy. Precious mem'ries are here to stay. Forgetting times you did annoy. Your laughter, spunk and fun at play, When you were young was your employ. Learning the Word and how to pray Taught to believe and to enjoy. Salvation is real not here-say Delight in Jesus, He's your joy. The Word of God does not decay, It is your sword, it's your deploy. So hide it in your heart to stay, Where storms of life can not destroy. Not on my knee, but I still pray. For God to keep you from decoy. Keep walking in the narrow way, With God your Father, your His boy. Love, Mom